Very flexible web tool based on event configuration and characteristics, eliminates data entry, optimizes communication among all involved roles (client, participants, sponsors, reviewers, authors, etc.).
Registration, you can collect for each person anagraphic data, accompanying people, category and registration fee, social events, services and courses booking, accommodation, travel, transfer, billing information, payment and any other information useful for your event. Main characteristics of SEMweb tool are:
- high graphic customization capabilities
- multiple languages support
- individual or group registration (i.e. for delegations)
- public access to form or with account creation
- form always available for the registrant for further services purchasing
- “white list” check, discount codes or free grants
- real time report for your company and your customer
- locked number services sell and automatic dead line for fee changes or sell closing
- on line back office
- documents collecting from participants (es. cv, identity card, visa, student certificate etc.)
- validity check for data
- responsive pages with adaptive forms based on participant’s selections
- on line credit card payments or bank transfer
- automatic confiramtion email for participant and secretariat
Abstract, SEMweb supports abstract/poster submission, evaluation, scientific programme scheduling and final documents production.
Main characteristics are the same of SEMweb tool for registrations with these additional features:
- customizable number of jobs that each account can submit
- abstracts always available for editing until final submission
- symposium proposal collection
- topics and keywords
- award candidation requests
- submission of documents related to each job (es. images, tables, video etc.)
- customizable evaluation criteria and scores
- “super-reviewer” for evaluation process monitoring
- Abstract book and event scientific programme on line